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by Stars
Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:42 am
Forum: Chit-Chat Room
Topic: Hello and how are you?
Replies: 1
Views: 20134

Hello and how are you?

Glad to be back (even if it is only now and then). I hope you are all doing well.
by Stars
Sat Oct 30, 2004 8:46 am
Forum: Chit-Chat Room
Topic: If you were born before 1985...
Replies: 57
Views: 93546

Hmm, i wonder. If you didn't know people as well as you do. How old would you guess they are? For example: Stars. So full of righteous indignance, has to be young. 16. AMystery: so calm and knowledgeable, must be ancient. 42 You're a snot, you know that? :P I'm not righteously indignant; I'm indege...
by Stars
Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:16 pm
Forum: Ask Kiri
Topic: Why?
Replies: 69
Views: 146773

If you could manage to stop, that would be an excellent way to avoid getting shot, as the shooter would be moving away from you at 17000 miles per hour, which is faster than the bullet travels so it would never reach you. That depends upon the direction you were originally moving with respect to th...
by Stars
Tue Oct 19, 2004 5:12 pm
Forum: Newsletters
Topic: October 19, 2004
Replies: 3
Views: 23372

Note to self:

Do NOT read funny stuff when in a public computer lab!

Those exam answers could not possibly be real...
by Stars
Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:53 pm
Forum: Races
Topic: If you could make a race what will it be
Replies: 53
Views: 143899

Even if they play nearly the same, writing can make a world of difference. This is fantasy. I'm with you, Exo.
by Stars
Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:40 am
Forum: Newsletters
Topic: August 19, 2004
Replies: 11
Views: 39621

They are tragically beautiful though, aren't they? I enjoy "tragically beautiful" stories, but only when they are not real. My heart just aches when I see someone in fear and pain. I know that letter was written long ago and the writer is probably no longer alive. That does not diminish the urgency...
by Stars
Wed Sep 01, 2004 4:31 pm
Forum: Newsletters
Topic: August 19, 2004
Replies: 11
Views: 39621

I got a score of 666. :twisted:

I gave up after that.

Oh my goodness! I read the first letter and nearly cried! :cry: Kiri, you are so very mean.
by Stars
Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:29 am
Forum: Races
Topic: If you could make a race what will it be
Replies: 53
Views: 143899

I believe Exo makes some good points. I have always put a good spin on our lack of character race/class options, Disaster. Even so, I remember one newbie in particular that left after seeing our limited selection. I am sure there have been more. I would LOVE to see 5-7 new races. Heck, I'd like to s...
by Stars
Mon Aug 30, 2004 9:28 am
Forum: Races
Topic: If you could make a race what will it be
Replies: 53
Views: 143899

I'm not sure it was even close to FF7, but it was better than FF8. FFX was better after I got past the bad voice acting.
by Stars
Sun Aug 29, 2004 3:55 pm
Forum: Races
Topic: If you could make a race what will it be
Replies: 53
Views: 143899

Star Ocean is coming out in a few days!!!!

If you like FFX, then you will LOVE Star Ocean.
by Stars
Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:18 am
Forum: Area Building
Topic: if you could buid something to make br better what will it b
Replies: 26
Views: 65130

Chess is a great game, but I don't think it would look good within the limited confines of Barren Realms. I prefer a decent graphical interface that is easy on the eyes. It would be difficult to play a good game on BR. I suggest that those who want to play chess go to some place like fics: http://ww...
by Stars
Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:54 pm
Forum: Code suggestions
Topic: Trip as an opening move?
Replies: 5
Views: 25337

AMystery wrote:The more moral your fights, the harder but also more rewarding?
This would only make sense if your alignment was very high. Conversely, if your alignment were very low, then your actions should be as amoral as possible in order to acheive greater experience points.
by Stars
Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:52 pm
Forum: Races
Topic: If you could make a race what will it be
Replies: 53
Views: 143899

I have been thinking about that lately, Disaster. It's cool that you mentioned mer-people. I think that would be a really really really great idea.
by Stars
Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:46 pm
Forum: Chit-Chat Room
Topic: A bear with specific taste for beer
Replies: 26
Views: 42083

I never really liked caramel, and chocolate is something I can eat only once in a while. I know I'm weird.
by Stars
Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:09 pm
Forum: Chit-Chat Room
Topic: A bear with specific taste for beer
Replies: 26
Views: 42083

I've never tried Rainier before.