Search found 427 matches
- Wed Jan 15, 2025 9:00 pm
- Forum: Chit-Chat Room
- Topic: Dun Candrae hints?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 9412
Re: Dun Candrae hints?
Well, I'm very late to the topic, but my recollection is that there are some hints/discrepancies between the layered rooms and the non-layered ones, although they're likely no more than a single line of text or so. IIRC, Dun Candrae was the first area to utilize layers in any real fashion, and Brodg...
- Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:58 am
- Forum: Chit-Chat Room
- Topic: Recent Rehero Needing Assistance
- Replies: 3
- Views: 26822
Re: Recent Rehero Needing Assistance
Well, I had a good reason. All affects should clear upon player death, and the death processes are supposed to reset your position to resting. Of course, it didn't work, which is strange. We eventually got him back to a point where he could do something, but the stun affect was still on him. It just...
- Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:11 am
- Forum: Chit-Chat Room
- Topic: Recent Rehero Needing Assistance
- Replies: 3
- Views: 26822
Re: Recent Rehero Needing Assistance
You got stuck in a weird state where you had a "Stunned" affect on you, but weren't in the Stunned position (position is used for stunned/incapacitated/dead/sleeping/resting/etc.). I couldn't get the game to clear it on its own or with my intervention, so I logged you off and fixed it in your pfile ...
- Wed Feb 15, 2023 10:13 am
- Forum: Code suggestions
- Topic: What are the proper stats for a level 50 shield?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 44897
Re: What are the proper stats for a level 50 shield?
One other aspect you might consider is that if you are balancing the ratio of damaged dealt to damage received in the two cases then for the shield case both numbers will be lower leading to a slower combat and so more time for extra actions between rounds like a spellcaster casting a damage spell ...
- Fri Feb 10, 2023 9:03 am
- Forum: Code suggestions
- Topic: What are the proper stats for a level 50 shield?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 44897
Re: What are the proper stats for a level 50 shield?
Overall, agreed. As far as baseline stats - I'd consider it fairly hard to achieve 130 damroll and -200 AC (pre-spells) at level 50, given that going for damroll typically means the evil build and thus a much worse AC and hitroll to compensate. Since I'm discussing it, considering AC without spells ...
- Thu Feb 09, 2023 10:13 am
- Forum: Code suggestions
- Topic: What are the proper stats for a level 50 shield?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 44897
Re: What are the proper stats for a level 50 shield?
Your numbers might still be off - there's a bunch of back-end code balancing that determines how often the extra attacks go off that's not visible to a player. To pull back the curtain a little bit: Assuming that you perform a full combat round - i.e. the enemy doesn't die mid-round, you don't switc...
- Thu Feb 09, 2023 8:37 am
- Forum: Chit-Chat Room
- Topic: Donations and a Question
- Replies: 3
- Views: 17920
Re: Donations and a Question
Reheroing keeps all of your existing demon limbs.
- Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:30 pm
- Forum: Chit-Chat Room
- Topic: Stranger to you, still mourning Tom's death, does anyone remember?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 25425
Re: Stranger to you, still mourning Tom's death, does anyone remember?
Tom modeled his character (/avatar) in the game as the leader of the JiB (Janitors in Black), riffing off of the Men in Black franchise. I'm unsure if it had any specific deeper meaning for him - acting as a cleaner/cleaning up other peoples messes, perhaps - but it was strongly tied to his online p...
- Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:11 am
- Forum: Chit-Chat Room
- Topic: Anyone still on here?
- Replies: 55
- Views: 158887
Re: Anyone still on here?
I might be able to get it from the underlying server, but I don't have any visibility to such things on the forum itself. (I looked yesterday to see if there was anything I could do quickly.)
- Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:33 am
- Forum: Chit-Chat Room
- Topic: mana cost decay
- Replies: 3
- Views: 20557
Re: mana cost decay
That would not surprise me - it's a very powerful spell if you know how to use it.
- Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:55 pm
- Forum: Chit-Chat Room
- Topic: mana cost decay
- Replies: 3
- Views: 20557
Re: mana cost decay
It's an inverse progression, based on 100/((level you are) - (level you can get the spell) + 2). (Don't quote me on that being the exact formula, but it's close.) Beyond that, every spell has a field in its definition that sets the minimum mana cost. If the above progression creates a lower cost, it...
- Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:47 am
- Forum: Chit-Chat Room
- Topic: Various questions from returning player
- Replies: 3
- Views: 18923
Re: Various questions from returning player
To provide some solid code answers: 1. In-guild skills cap at 95%. Out of guild cap at 84%. There's no differential for individual skills. As Ducci mentioned, increases are inversely proportionate to how skilled you currently are (so it's much harder to go from 94 to 95 than from 14 to 15). 2. A num...
- Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:54 am
- Forum: Chit-Chat Room
- Topic: Another Imm favor request
- Replies: 3
- Views: 18009
Re: Another Imm favor request
I took care of it.
Look at that! 3 hour response time! My SLAs are going through the roof!
Look at that! 3 hour response time! My SLAs are going through the roof!
- Wed Oct 07, 2020 10:41 pm
- Forum: Code suggestions
- Topic: Item level load range
- Replies: 4
- Views: 21954
Re: Item level load range
I just reviewed the actual code, and my recollection was slightly off, impacting this in two ways. First, objects only have one application of this function, so they're only +/- 1 from whatever level the mob loaded at. (There's an exception for objects that spawn inside other objects, as they get a ...
- Wed Oct 07, 2020 2:59 pm
- Forum: Code suggestions
- Topic: Item level load range
- Replies: 4
- Views: 21954
Re: Item level load range
On average, you will get the item loaded in a 5 level range (the default load level of the mob itself, and +/- 2 levels from there). In rare cases, you can get up to +/- 4 levels of the default load, but this is at an exponentially smaller chance. Code details for those interested: The logic involve...