My Imprisonment
My Imprisonment
Well I was in the middle of making a note when I was banned so I didn;t finish it. So I will post it here.
Simple put, I was banned for multiple counts of asking everyone on BR for their A/S/L. Quite frankly, I did no such thing for a few reasons.
Number one and foremost, I never knew what ASL ment till 2 years ago.
Number two, I was not on for more then a a few minutes durring 2001 when this supposedly occured. Only recently had I logged on for an extended period of time and was banned for asking for a IMMs ASL which they could have easily said no. Or Said stop asking me stupid questions. Instead I was slayed. And then when i asked why i was slayed. I was told I had harassed her... Technically it;s not harassment if you are not told to stop. I'm sorry if I caused discomfort, but Slaying without giving reason? And then jailing after i was trying to explain why I couldn;t ahve done it? Then ever more, while jailed I was banned while writing a note.
Number three, I Apologize to Lari for asking, but she could have easily just said, shut up instead of getting Brodgar to slay me, jail me, and then ban me. Why didn't people just ban me in 2001 if my character was so annoying??? For all I know, it would have been my friend who asks every girl he sees out on a date. Well it could have, and it would be my fault for giving him my character to use for awhile. But even then, I wasn;t givin time to explain. Or I could have been hacked, my character that is. It has happened before to my characters. And the added fact, not so long ago, all my eq was missing. So, I don't know. I wish I did know, but I don't. Simply put again, I did not do this. All I did was ask a single person who could have easily said no or shut up. All this you might think a huge explaination and excuse. Well it is an explination but not an excuse. I never did those things. Who knows, it could have been someone with a name just like mine or close to it. *shrug* I was busy playing Ivalice MUD and Byond Tabletop Gaming. Ask Sozz and Leiland if I was super annoying or asked people multiple times about that stuff. They are my friends over the net and also played BR with me. Thats all i can really say I suppose. Thanks for reading.
Simple put, I was banned for multiple counts of asking everyone on BR for their A/S/L. Quite frankly, I did no such thing for a few reasons.
Number one and foremost, I never knew what ASL ment till 2 years ago.
Number two, I was not on for more then a a few minutes durring 2001 when this supposedly occured. Only recently had I logged on for an extended period of time and was banned for asking for a IMMs ASL which they could have easily said no. Or Said stop asking me stupid questions. Instead I was slayed. And then when i asked why i was slayed. I was told I had harassed her... Technically it;s not harassment if you are not told to stop. I'm sorry if I caused discomfort, but Slaying without giving reason? And then jailing after i was trying to explain why I couldn;t ahve done it? Then ever more, while jailed I was banned while writing a note.
Number three, I Apologize to Lari for asking, but she could have easily just said, shut up instead of getting Brodgar to slay me, jail me, and then ban me. Why didn't people just ban me in 2001 if my character was so annoying??? For all I know, it would have been my friend who asks every girl he sees out on a date. Well it could have, and it would be my fault for giving him my character to use for awhile. But even then, I wasn;t givin time to explain. Or I could have been hacked, my character that is. It has happened before to my characters. And the added fact, not so long ago, all my eq was missing. So, I don't know. I wish I did know, but I don't. Simply put again, I did not do this. All I did was ask a single person who could have easily said no or shut up. All this you might think a huge explaination and excuse. Well it is an explination but not an excuse. I never did those things. Who knows, it could have been someone with a name just like mine or close to it. *shrug* I was busy playing Ivalice MUD and Byond Tabletop Gaming. Ask Sozz and Leiland if I was super annoying or asked people multiple times about that stuff. They are my friends over the net and also played BR with me. Thats all i can really say I suppose. Thanks for reading.
first off, this is generally more appropriate for emails, and not forums.
Secondly, Lari doesn't need to "get" brodgar to ban you, she's a higher level than Brod and could very easily have done it herself.
Thirdly, it's a temporary ban that expires in 24 hours. I will be happy to discuss your issues either then online through notes/tells, or you can email me at
Finally, if your character was "hacked" it was on your end, (usually an easy-to-guess password, shared password or computer) and therefore your character is responsible for what it does. I suggest when you come back to change your password right away, do not tell anyone about it, and don't let untrustworthy people use your computer.
Secondly, Lari doesn't need to "get" brodgar to ban you, she's a higher level than Brod and could very easily have done it herself.
Thirdly, it's a temporary ban that expires in 24 hours. I will be happy to discuss your issues either then online through notes/tells, or you can email me at
Finally, if your character was "hacked" it was on your end, (usually an easy-to-guess password, shared password or computer) and therefore your character is responsible for what it does. I suggest when you come back to change your password right away, do not tell anyone about it, and don't let untrustworthy people use your computer.
Well since I was mentioned I guess I'd better make a statement, right? I'm personally in defense of Karin. He has never once asked me anything such as A/S/L, or harassed me in any way. He's always been really nice in my experience. Then again, I only got his side of the story, so maybe I'm missing some offense... dunno. My two cents, anyway.
Just ignore me...
Funny as it is, but I emailed you twice about my "freezing" of my character and I didnt get a reply. I had to post notes to the immortals to find out why I was frozen. I really dont mind as I agree punishment should be handed out accordingly however dont you think its a bit judgemental and power mongering for just freezing without approaching me about what happened first? Whatever I may have done might not have been intentional and if thats the case being frozen was unjust and unfair.
Also this whole "slaying" thing? A reason for a slay is to amuse oneself? Yes im sure that newbies and new players looking upon that are absolutly thrilled that they might end up being killed one day because someone wanted to laugh. Word of advice...if you want to laugh check out google and do a search for jokes, dont kill someone and frustrate them beyond coming back to play.
Be that as it may, after this post im sure I wont be welcome back but I wont lose sleep. I enjoyed playing BR but stuff like this is why I want to stay away and why its really not worth it.
Also this whole "slaying" thing? A reason for a slay is to amuse oneself? Yes im sure that newbies and new players looking upon that are absolutly thrilled that they might end up being killed one day because someone wanted to laugh. Word of advice...if you want to laugh check out google and do a search for jokes, dont kill someone and frustrate them beyond coming back to play.
Be that as it may, after this post im sure I wont be welcome back but I wont lose sleep. I enjoyed playing BR but stuff like this is why I want to stay away and why its really not worth it.
- Bluestar
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- Joined: Thu Jul 03, 2003 8:43 pm
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I'm again going to post where I normally wouldn't. I honestly don't see what the big deal is about being slayed. Sometime when you're on Luc, take a look at me. Scratch that. I'll just paste what you'll see.

Why are they drenched in all the colors of the rainbow?!?
You see a strange symbol embedded in their heel.
You see two holes on bluestar s butt where it has been nailgunned to the floor by Kiri.
She seems to have the reactions and communication skills of a cabbage.
You see two holes on Bluestar s butt where it has been nailgunned to the floor by Kiri.
You see two holes on Bluestar s butt where it has been nailgunned to the floor by Kiri.
You see three holes left by the three very painful lessons of life
A pea sized cranium is all that was left of an overinflated ego
Smoted by the smote patrol. You see bits of smote hanging from Bluestar's ears.
bluestar has stiches all around the neck. Seems to have been severed...
You see two sets of tire tracks running across their body
You see two holes on bluestar s butt where it has been nailgunned to the floor by Kiri.
Some of these I deserved, some of them random smotes, hell some of them I even asked for. My point is, what is the big deal if you are slain? So you have to go get your corpse from wherever you died. You don't lose exp, the only thing that would suck is if you did deserve it and then your corpse was consequently eaten. Otherwise SUCK IT UP it doesn't cause any harm

Why are they drenched in all the colors of the rainbow?!?
You see a strange symbol embedded in their heel.
You see two holes on bluestar s butt where it has been nailgunned to the floor by Kiri.
She seems to have the reactions and communication skills of a cabbage.
You see two holes on Bluestar s butt where it has been nailgunned to the floor by Kiri.
You see two holes on Bluestar s butt where it has been nailgunned to the floor by Kiri.
You see three holes left by the three very painful lessons of life
A pea sized cranium is all that was left of an overinflated ego
Smoted by the smote patrol. You see bits of smote hanging from Bluestar's ears.
bluestar has stiches all around the neck. Seems to have been severed...
You see two sets of tire tracks running across their body
You see two holes on bluestar s butt where it has been nailgunned to the floor by Kiri.
Some of these I deserved, some of them random smotes, hell some of them I even asked for. My point is, what is the big deal if you are slain? So you have to go get your corpse from wherever you died. You don't lose exp, the only thing that would suck is if you did deserve it and then your corpse was consequently eaten. Otherwise SUCK IT UP it doesn't cause any harm

~Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.~
-Ralph Waldo Emerson-
-Ralph Waldo Emerson-
Slaying may be okay with someone else, but some people (like myself) doesn't like getting slain either. I also see it as a punishment but whatever, I've done worse.
Just saying that not everyone is a fan of slaying. Then again, this is your game. Just wish you guys can be (atleast) nice enough to see if the other person will also have fun amusing yourself.
Just saying that not everyone is a fan of slaying. Then again, this is your game. Just wish you guys can be (atleast) nice enough to see if the other person will also have fun amusing yourself.
It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world everday always just exactly fits in the newspaper.
-Jerry Seinfeld
-Jerry Seinfeld
Are you sure you sent these emails to the right address? And identified yourself as Luc? I got no email from you - and I save all email I get with complaints in a special file. I am pretty on top of that and am surprised to hear you say you sent me something.Luc wrote:Funny as it is, but I emailed you twice about my "freezing" of my character and I didnt get a reply. I had to post notes to the immortals to find out why I was frozen. I really dont mind as I agree punishment should be handed out accordingly however dont you think its a bit judgemental and power mongering for just freezing without approaching me about what happened first? Whatever I may have done might not have been intentional and if thats the case being frozen was unjust and unfair.
As for unintentional screwups, we punish those the same way as we punish intentional eq screwups. First one is a warning (verbal or note), second is a freeze for a month, third is denial. With the code such that it is, the only reason you could possibly have unintentionally gotten an item to a mortal would be by ignoring the rules (ie no autoloot or autosac on) which means you broke a rule. That's why we punish them equally. In any case, that means, in my opinion, your freezing was not unjust or unfair. It's too bad this experience made you not want to deal with BR, but I have to say you brought it on yourself by being sufficiently careless with the rules to warrant punishment.
- disaster
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- Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2003 12:47 am
- Location: the true north strong and free
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imms aren't in the habit, thankfully, of giving out random slays to people who they don't know. most of us couldn't care less about slays, some of us actively seek them out to get collections of slaymarks like bluestar's. some, like anakin, think they're a slight annoyance, but i'm sure he'll be the first to admit he's more than a slight annoyance himslef most of the time *evil grin at anakin*. hopefully luc you'll decide that things simply got blown out of proportion and that innocent miscommunication errors (like kiri not getting your emails) were the main source of the problem and you'll come back. it's a very rare hero i think who has never received at least a warning for some sort of unintentional rule being broken, thankfully the system as it's set up is designed to give everyone a second chance and not hold a sword above our heads for perpetuity.
"Freedom of speech" is not the same thing as "Freedom from consequences".
I can vouge for kiri on two points. First she's normally good about returning emails/notes when it comes to complaints...but you have to leave your player name, she's not psychic. Also you didn't get any unfair treatment, the same thing happened to Rad a while ago, somehow an item got from me to a mort. And i got punished, and for that i keep my hero out of mortie land as much as possible, cause i'd hate to be frozen forever (plus i don't like the cooties the morts havekiri wrote:Are you sure you sent these emails to the right address? And identified yourself as Luc? I got no email from you - and I save all email I get with complaints in a special file. I am pretty on top of that and am surprised to hear you say you sent me something.Luc wrote:Funny as it is, but I emailed you twice about my "freezing" of my character and I didnt get a reply. I had to post notes to the immortals to find out why I was frozen. I really dont mind as I agree punishment should be handed out accordingly however dont you think its a bit judgemental and power mongering for just freezing without approaching me about what happened first? Whatever I may have done might not have been intentional and if thats the case being frozen was unjust and unfair.
As for unintentional screwups, we punish those the same way as we punish intentional eq screwups. First one is a warning (verbal or note), second is a freeze for a month, third is denial. With the code such that it is, the only reason you could possibly have unintentionally gotten an item to a mortal would be by ignoring the rules (ie no autoloot or autosac on) which means you broke a rule. That's why we punish them equally. In any case, that means, in my opinion, your freezing was not unjust or unfair. It's too bad this experience made you not want to deal with BR, but I have to say you brought it on yourself by being sufficiently careless with the rules to warrant punishment.

"Anima Sana In Corpore Sano"
uhm, luc, you came to me and asked me online as one of your alts and i pretty pomptly did answer your question, too. but you stopped talking to me right in between and started to delete most of your alts. (which surprised me, i have to admit)
*Unicorn hoofprint sparkling from glittering faerie-dust*
I had a little chat last night with a fellow who had been denied or banned or frozen or something about seven or eight years ago, before I ever logged on here at any rate. No, I didn't catch his old char's name. He seemed to be holding some kind of grudge, because it was pretty clear he logged on looking for trouble. He came on as a newbie, insulted the hero who offered him help, and then promptly got himself killed by a cityguard in town. At that point, I went to him for two reasons -- a) to offer him help if he wanted it, because for all I knew at that point he was a real newbie, and b) to keep an eye on him after the hero who'd offered him help told me what he said.
At that point, the first thing he said to me was something about how he was looking at our pictures on the web site, and all our imms are ugly. Niiiiiiiiiiiice. But, whatever, I wasn't biting, and asked him if he wanted some help getting started. He kept pushing, but he never chatted anything nasty, so I remained impassive. Finally he breaks down and starts talking about how he was banished on a whim years ago, how surprised he was that I didn't do the same. I remarked that usually when people claim to have been singled out on a whim, they're casually leaving out the part where they did something to earn it, and then he said, "Well, yeah, I deserved it, but that's not the point." I believe my explanation that deserving it was indeed the point fell on deaf ears, but at least he logged off without causing any (more) trouble.
I see a lot of that attitude, and I can't help but wonder where it comes from. This guy openly admitted that he deserved what he got, but he was so resentful about getting it that even seven or eight years later he thought it would be fun to log on BR and be a jerk for a while. As Julia Roberts's character said in My Best Friend's Wedding, "Getting what you deserve just isn't fair."
While I realize not everyone is prepared to be or even capable of being a grownup about these things, it would be nice if they would, you know, try. Punishments at BR, such as they are, aren't terribly severe. Having one character frozen for a month is hardly the end of the world when you're allowed as many characters as you like. People only get denied or sitebanned for the most grievous conceivable kinds of deliberate abuse. If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having been punished and don't understand why, please attempt to deal with it like an adult -- even if you aren't one yet. If you do, you will receive a response in kind. We don't punish people for laughs. We have a system, and we apply that system as fairly and consistently as is humanly possible.
At that point, the first thing he said to me was something about how he was looking at our pictures on the web site, and all our imms are ugly. Niiiiiiiiiiiice. But, whatever, I wasn't biting, and asked him if he wanted some help getting started. He kept pushing, but he never chatted anything nasty, so I remained impassive. Finally he breaks down and starts talking about how he was banished on a whim years ago, how surprised he was that I didn't do the same. I remarked that usually when people claim to have been singled out on a whim, they're casually leaving out the part where they did something to earn it, and then he said, "Well, yeah, I deserved it, but that's not the point." I believe my explanation that deserving it was indeed the point fell on deaf ears, but at least he logged off without causing any (more) trouble.
I see a lot of that attitude, and I can't help but wonder where it comes from. This guy openly admitted that he deserved what he got, but he was so resentful about getting it that even seven or eight years later he thought it would be fun to log on BR and be a jerk for a while. As Julia Roberts's character said in My Best Friend's Wedding, "Getting what you deserve just isn't fair."
While I realize not everyone is prepared to be or even capable of being a grownup about these things, it would be nice if they would, you know, try. Punishments at BR, such as they are, aren't terribly severe. Having one character frozen for a month is hardly the end of the world when you're allowed as many characters as you like. People only get denied or sitebanned for the most grievous conceivable kinds of deliberate abuse. If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having been punished and don't understand why, please attempt to deal with it like an adult -- even if you aren't one yet. If you do, you will receive a response in kind. We don't punish people for laughs. We have a system, and we apply that system as fairly and consistently as is humanly possible.
Ok im just now checking this again. I dont want to be married anymore. Kidding of course.
Joy. Yes you did tell me what I did wrong and why I was frozen, and Leiland sent me an email. I appreciated it. My problem was that perhaps I should of been alerted as to why and when this happened. Its odd to come on just to be frozen just like that.
Well I will live out this punishment I suppose....what I may have done was accidently...but still it was done so for that Im sorry. Well that being said...have a good day all.
Joy. Yes you did tell me what I did wrong and why I was frozen, and Leiland sent me an email. I appreciated it. My problem was that perhaps I should of been alerted as to why and when this happened. Its odd to come on just to be frozen just like that.
Well I will live out this punishment I suppose....what I may have done was accidently...but still it was done so for that Im sorry. Well that being said...have a good day all.
I have no idea what happened with any of these situations as I wasn't there and if I was, I have repressed all memory, however:
Some people see BR, or any kind of person-machine interaction as a victimless area, where they can go to blow off whatever steam they may have. This guy was annoyed years ago and so years later he felt frustrated by something in his life and decided that he could relieve two issues at once, the old one merely being an outlet because he couldn't burn down his neighbor's house. I can understand these feelings, i share some of them. When I am feeling bad I often go to BR to relax, sometimes to rant and hopefully have someone care, sometimes to spread my misery around. It isn't fair or right, but it is how it is.
Some people see BR, or any kind of person-machine interaction as a victimless area, where they can go to blow off whatever steam they may have. This guy was annoyed years ago and so years later he felt frustrated by something in his life and decided that he could relieve two issues at once, the old one merely being an outlet because he couldn't burn down his neighbor's house. I can understand these feelings, i share some of them. When I am feeling bad I often go to BR to relax, sometimes to rant and hopefully have someone care, sometimes to spread my misery around. It isn't fair or right, but it is how it is.