mana cost decay

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mana cost decay

Post by ducci »

Is there a rule of thumb for how much the mana cost of spells goes down as you level?
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Re: mana cost decay

Post by Everybody »

It's an inverse progression, based on 100/((level you are) - (level you can get the spell) + 2). (Don't quote me on that being the exact formula, but it's close.)

Beyond that, every spell has a field in its definition that sets the minimum mana cost. If the above progression creates a lower cost, it'll still be the minimum. (This is why heal always costs 50 mana, for instance.) Anything without a defined minimum gets a minimum cost of 5 set for it.
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Re: mana cost decay

Post by ducci »

Okay, that tells me that the minimum for death field must be 150 mp.
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Re: mana cost decay

Post by Everybody »

That would not surprise me - it's a very powerful spell if you know how to use it.
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