For an item loaded on a given mob, how many possible levels could the item be loaded at?
I’m sure I’ve seen at least one item spawn at 6 different levels. But I’ve been trying to get a different item at a certain level, and after very many tries, I’ve only seen it at 5 levels (not the levels I’m trying for).
Item level load range
Re: Item level load range
On average, you will get the item loaded in a 5 level range (the default load level of the mob itself, and +/- 2 levels from there).
In rare cases, you can get up to +/- 4 levels of the default load, but this is at an exponentially smaller chance.
Code details for those interested:
In rare cases, you can get up to +/- 4 levels of the default load, but this is at an exponentially smaller chance.
Code details for those interested:
Code: Select all
The logic involved here is a specific level-adjusting function that executes on each mob and item load.
The function itself has a 50% chance of no adjustment, a 25% chance of +1 and a 25% chance of -1.
It runs twice on a mob when it loads, giving us the following chances: 6.25%/25/37.5/25/6.25% for -2/-1/0/+1/+2 level changes.
The same function then applies to the item load, using the mob load as a starting point, giving us:
-2 mob: 6.25% * (6.25/25/37.5/25/6.25%) for -4/-3/-2/-1/0
-1 mob: 25% * (6.25/25/37.5/25/6.25%) for -3/-2/-1/0/+1
+0 mob: 37.5% * (6.25/25/37.5/25/6.25%) for -2/-1/0/+1/+2
+1 mob: 25% * (6.25/25/37.5/25/6.25%) for -1/0/+1/+2/+3
+2 mob: 6.25% * (6.25/25/37.5/25/6.25%) for 0/+1/+2/+3/+4
Or, once combined: .390625 / 3.125 / 17.1875 / 21.875 / 39.84375 / 21.875 / 17.1875 / 3.125 /.390625 % chance for -4/-3/-2/-1/0/+1/+2/+3/+4 level on an item.
Your local know-it-all.
Your local know-it-all.

Re: Item level load range
Thanks for the details
I’ve clearly just been unlucky. The poor tengu in Yamanoha thought he was off the hook, but now he will get farmed some more.

I’ve clearly just been unlucky. The poor tengu in Yamanoha thought he was off the hook, but now he will get farmed some more.
Re: Item level load range
I just reviewed the actual code, and my recollection was slightly off, impacting this in two ways. First, objects only have one application of this function, so they're only +/- 1 from whatever level the mob loaded at. (There's an exception for objects that spawn inside other objects, as they get a second application, but I don't think that's what you're looking for.)
Second, and more importantly, one of the applications of the level adjustment happens on MUD boot, not on each load of the mob. So although you can get +/- 3 levels on loaded items overall, you can't ever get the full range without the MUD rebooting. (Ranges per boot are -3/+1, +/- 2, and -1/+3, with the aforementioned 25/50/25 % distribution.)
Finally, looks like I defaulted the tengu to level 33, so take that as your baseline if it's even possible to get what you're looking for.
Second, and more importantly, one of the applications of the level adjustment happens on MUD boot, not on each load of the mob. So although you can get +/- 3 levels on loaded items overall, you can't ever get the full range without the MUD rebooting. (Ranges per boot are -3/+1, +/- 2, and -1/+3, with the aforementioned 25/50/25 % distribution.)
Finally, looks like I defaulted the tengu to level 33, so take that as your baseline if it's even possible to get what you're looking for.
Your local know-it-all.
Your local know-it-all.

Re: Item level load range
Aha! That explains everything. The tengu really is off the hook then.