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Max dam kicks in first... I've had instakills against lynxes that didn't actually kill them because they're sanc'ed (lynxes typically have about 20k hps).
Instakill or max dam/sanc interactions? I just checked (in case you had made a fix since when I was recalling) and my bs definitely only did 15ish k to a lynx (and 30ish k to an unsanc'ed mob).
i don't think it matters what you use, it's just the level of the one using expose and luck that counts (and mob svsp, etc.).
at least i've always thought it to be that way. or it might depend solely on the fit of impling underwear, the true color of my eyes, the weather, well, you know...
*Unicorn hoofprint sparkling from glittering faerie-dust*
It certainly does seem like a wand's spell depends upon the level of the one weilding it. If you cast identify on a crooked stick, it claims that the spell is around level 44. I seriously doubt that a level 44 expose would have much luck against a level 151 mob. I'm sure there is the one in a million chance...but definately not 1/5 of the time. But it all really doesn't matter that much, because with all the powerful eq (not including divebomb's super eq) killing a lynx is not too hard even if they have sanc. This is assuming, of course, that the adventurer has been working out (enhancing hp).
The stars brightly shine upon our world, a constant reminder of our origin. We are stars.
We should check more closely into that... either expose is more useful than it should be beyond its level range, or that spell interacts with wands in an odd way. I know damage spells (flamestrike) and stuff like charm person and player affects (fly, sanc, etc.) all are limited by the level of the spell in the wand.