This is a shot in the dark, but, I imagine that the call-out for weather whout be in either the RESETS or SPECIALS part of the area file. But, I haven't built an area yet, so I may be way off on this! In any case, I think that the syntax should be forbidden weather states so that existing areas will require little or no change. (If all weather is ok, no need for the forbidden weather call-out)
I imagine it could be implemented so there are both area and room calls.
This might also be cool for future areas! So one could make a "valley of rain", for example, where it is always raining, 'cause all other weather is banned.
... I should really write an area ...
syntax thoughts
"If you have a right to someone else's approval, then they do not have a right to their own opinions and values." - Dr. Thomas Sowell