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  • Dio - Saturday 9 August 2003 21:17
    Rest in peace, Old Friend.
  • Cynic - Sunday 10 August 2003 05:42
    I will miss you always. May your mind be at peace. Rest in Peace my good friend
  • DwarfMan - Monday 11 August 2003 16:54
    We will miss you Tom. Although in your life, you were obsessed with "the darkside" and gothic stuff. I'm sure you've seen the LIGHT, in your passing.

    I will miss being repeatedly slain, for jokingly calling you a nerd. :P

    I will miss fighting the JiB's in the arena.

    I will miss the hilarious and/or insightful conversations we had about girls, guns, cars, drugs, freaks, music, and about life in general.

    I still have the switch bladed mop you gave me, the last time I seen you in April. I shall keep it as a memnto. R.I.P. man.

  • Score - Sunday 17 August 2003 02:34 still.
  • Disaster - Wednesday 27 August 2003 00:51
    Til next we meet buddy. I'm looking forward to sitting down together and playing BR in the great computer lab in the sky *smile* We all miss you Tom, and hope you can be happy where you are.
  • Ariana - Friday 12 September 2003 21:30
    Though the winds of change have blown you beyond this world, your memories remain strong and unyielding. You yearned for the dark side, yet your light touched us all who had the pleasure of calling you "friend." To Tom the Janitor, Tom the Elf, and Tom the amazing individual that I am proud to have known in this life: May the road rise up to meet you,
    May the wind be always at your back,
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
  • Bluestar - Friday 12 September 2003 21:33
    Tom, I'll miss talking with you about everything under the sun. I'll miss having your shoulder to lean on and having you lean on mine, but most of all I'll miss your cheerfulness that could make even the cloudiest days seem bright. I hope that you recieved the peace you very much deserved. I'll carry you in my heart forever. Love always, Bluei
  • Cobalt - Saturday 20 September 2003 11:11
    You were a good man, and I'm certain your soul has found its home and is at peace. Your memory will stay with us, cherished, until our memories are passed to others.